Today I had the lovely job of pulling dandelions from our lawn so that I could kick off the season of cutting the grass. I obviously wanted to do a good job because the more I got out now would hopefully mean the less I would have to pull out later. More on that in a second.
This year will mark our 5th wedding anniversary. I love my wife dearly and I want to make sure I do everything I can to make our marriage as happy as it can be. Because of this, I've started a daily reading plan on YouVersion called, "The Five Love Languages for Him". I want to put all the efforts in that I can now into doing my part in our relationship to hopefully make it the best it can be as we continue on this journey together. It doesn't mean there won't be bumps in the road, but at least when we hit those bumps we will have a strong relationship to handle that rough road.
I'm not going to lie, like pulling weeds, it is a lot of work. There may be times when you have to go back and work on the same area again and again but in the end, the result will be a healthy relationship that will stand the test of time.
As for my lawn, I'm sure I missed one or two weeds along he way but I have a whole new season to work on whatever pops up. I'm just grateful I've got a lawn to pull weeds from.
Happy Springtime Everyone!!
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